Thank God Im single!
Hey all, as I was coming to work today, I tuned into a local radio station.Now, the topic of the day was,"The use of protection within marriage." When I say protection, I am sure you all know what I am referring to....'gadgets', as they were calling them in the morning. Anyway,a lady calls,she has been married to her husband for 6 years and they have 1 and a half 2 is on the way.She has been suspecting her husband of adultery for the last 3 yrs of their marriage and would like to start using protection when they resume their sexual activities.So she wanted to know if this is wrong and if it would in essence push her husband away.
As I was listening to this story,I was amazed by the number of men who called in and said that there was no way on this good earth that they would use condoms.The interesting bit is, they all accepted that they have affairs and some even mentioned having up to three concubines.In their eyes,once you marry someone, her 'goodies' are yours for the taking and they would all rather have them without any barriers.
And it got me thinking, where are we headed to when the man insists that your body is his? Where does he get off saying no condoms within marriage and then running off with the next skirt wearer he sees? Their excuse is that they always use protection outside the home and they should not be forced to do the same in their houses.Fact is that some of these men are unaware of the proper use of these condoms and can still get infected.
It really is a shame that women still need to defend their reproductive rights in this day and age.My advice to the lady would be..."If you want to stay together, he has to wear the condom.If he is not ready to,the door is wide open...kama hakubali,achana naye.Sex is not just about fulfilling your body desires. It should be about respect. If your husband doesnt respect you or even love you enough to think of your protection and consequent health,then you are better off without him."
I dont want to sound pessimistic about marriage, that is a story for another day:-). For now, all I can say now is,Thank God Im Single.
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